Tofisopam Online Australia is a medicine marketed under various brand names such as Nextril, Toficalm, Tofiso and Tofisern among others. It is a drug belonging to the family of benzodiazepines, medicines used to treat anxiety and other psychological disorders.
Tofisopam was first developed in Hungary and is sold in different parts of Europe under the name Grandaxin and has been marketed since the 1970s.
To buy Tofisopam Australia online here, simply select your desired quantity from the drop down menu below and click on “Add to Basket” to complete your order.

Tofisopam is an anxiolytic-drug that reduces anxiety but without the accompanying hypnotic and muscle-relaxing effects. It also improves vegetative symptoms, such as loss of appetite and energy, inattention, lack of sleep, etc., in people suffering from anxiety. On top of that, Grandaxin is known not to hamper a user’s psychomotor and cognitive abilities, unlike other anxiety-treating medicines.
Aside from alleviating general anxiety, it is used to treat a number of specific psychological disorders, some of which are;
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
General everyday anxiety due to the daily stresses of routine life may or may not be a medical condition. But many people who feel anxious multiple times a day, so much so that it begins to interfere with their daily functioning, typically suffer from a psychological ailment known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Common symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder include
- Getting worked up about inconsequential daily-life issues
- Overthinking
- Going over a plan or situation (of the past or future) again and again
- Unwarranted restlessness
- Indecisiveness
- Difficulty concentrating and handling uncertainty
GAD can occur as an exclusive independent problem or be an accompanying complication of another medical disorder. Sometimes, patients can misinterpret GAD as obsessive-compulsive disorder or panic disorder due to the similarity in symptoms. Therefore, it’s best to consult a psychiatrist for an accurate diagnosis so that the proper treatment can be prescribed.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Unlike GAD, in which a person feels anxious about everything, in Social Anxiety Disorder, a person gets worked up about social interactions and settings. Simply put, people with social anxiety disorder are afraid of being in social gatherings and getting negatively judged by others.
In some scenarios, a normal person can also feel anxious about meeting with someone, such as when going on a date or having to speak on stage. But a social anxiety disorder patient is petrified whenever they have to be in a social setup, which is why they try their hardest to avoid going to gatherings. Some symptoms of social anxiety disorder are
- Intense fear of going to a social gathering
- Irrational fear of interacting with people or speaking in front of them
- Avoidance of situations where a patient may have to interact with someone
- An unreasonable concern of being judged by others and getting humiliated in public
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, commonly known as OCD, is a lasting chronic anxiety disorder characterized by unrelenting recurring negative thoughts, aka obsessions and specific rituals, aka compulsions to temporarily deal with said thoughts.
People suffering from OCD tend to have unfounded negative thoughts, which may include farfetched scenarios that might never happen and compulsions that are undertaken to alleviate the anxiety caused by obsessions. However, the relief an OC patient gets from performing compulsions is short-lived. Some common symptoms of OCD include
- Forbidden thoughts about controversial things such as religion, sex, and harm
- Mysophobia or germophobia
- Aggressive feelings towards oneself or others
- Having things in order
A few common OCD compulsions are
- Excessive cleaning or washing
- Locking and unlocking doors and windows- checking on things
- Arranging things in an order
- Compulsive counting and starting from the top if interrupted
The aforementioned psychological conditions do not have a definitive cure, but their symptoms are typically managed with therapy. Medicines, such as Tofisopam have shown promise in helping people with these various disorders.
History Of Tofisopam
The discovery of Tofisopam can be traced back to around 50 years ago when it was first used as a drug. Although it is a benzodiazepine (BZPs), it has a slightly different biochemical profile/structure than the classical BZPs. Nonetheless, it has proven to be successful in treating anxiety.
Tofisopam is currently available for sale in more than 15 countries worldwide, including some European countries, Russia and Japan.
Mechanism of Action
Experts believe that a person may suffer from anxiety due to hyperactivity on nerves in the brain. To counter that, the human body releases a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA, which suppresses the excessive activity of nerves in the brain. Tofisopam is believed to boost the production of GABA in the brain, resultantly reducing anxiety.
Literature on Tofisopam indicates that people with hypersensitivity to BZDs shouldn’t use the said psychoactive drug. Furthermore, pregnant women are advised not to consume Tofisopam as it can harm the fetus.
In addition, people with (or at risk of developing) psychosis, psychomotor agitation or aggressiveness, and severe depression should avoid taking Tofiospam.
How to Take – include dosage and Precautions
The typical dosage pattern of Tofisopam allows a person to take the medicine of 30-50mg strength daily, anywhere between 1 to 3 times per day.
Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers shouldn’t consume Tofisopam unless prescribed by the doctor. Moreover, people on any sort of medication or suffering from any physiological disease should consult their doctor before administering any dosage.
Side Effects
While there have been no reports of any life-threatening effects of tofisopam, some side effects have been recorded.
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
- Super liveliness or hyperactivity
- Rashes on the skin
- Irritation in the gut
- Dry mouth
- Drowsiness
- Headache or fever- but these are rare
Overdose, Tolerance, and Withdrawal Effects
Although there aren’t any severe effects of Tofisopam overdose, it can suppress the central nervous system for a bit. But that happens if someone consumes 50-100mg of the medicine.
Women and Children
Tofisopam is not considered safe for a youngster under the age of 18 as its safety profile has not been vetted thoroughly to be declared safe for children. Ordinarily, women can use it; however, pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult their doctor before consumption.
As per the available data on said medication, it doesn’t seem to have dangerous interactions with any major drug groups or even alcohol. That said, some anti-hypertensive medicines and CNS-suppressing drugs are likely to boost the effects of tofisopam.
There have not been any reports of patients developing a dependence on Tofisopam, but it is given for a few weeks initially to be on the safe side.
Based on the literature available on Tofisopam, it seems a safe medicinal option to treat anxiety disorders and ease feelings of restlessness and unfounded worry.
So, if you are starting on Tofisopam , make sure to talk to your doctor about your health and other medicines, supplements or herbal products that you are using. If you have any more questions about Tofisopam, talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.